Quality Control EXCELLENCE
Ward Field Service Group falls under the same award-winning Quality Control program as all of the Ward ASME Code fabrication facilities. We regularly work across state lines anywhere in the US to manage the repair of ASME Code Vessels and Heat Exchangers. The end result is you see the same attention to detail and quality in the field as you do in a Ward shop.
Level III and Level II Inspectors
- CWI and AWS Certifications
In-house Capabilities / Equipment
- Positive Material Identification (Niton Nuclear Analyzer)
- Helium leak detection (Pico mass spectrometer)
- Radiography
- LP (dye penetrant testing)
- MT (Mag particle testing)
- Etching and polishing of weld joints / mockups
Comprehensive NCR system
- Internal tracking
- Supplier tracking

Cross section of tube end weld

Tube to tube sheet mock-up

Non-Conformance Reporting